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Albert writes:- In the book of 2  Esdras., he sees  angel Uriel  who said to 
him." you cannot understand what is going on in this world do you think you can 
understand the ways of God Most High? 
The angel said to him  I want you to solve three riddles about what happens in 
this world. If you can answer them I will  answer your question about God's 
ways and teach you why human being has evil impulse. 1How do you weigh out a 
kilogramme of fire ? 2 How do you measure a cubic meter of wind ? 3 How do you 
bring back the day that has gone ? Esdras said " No human beings can answer 
these questions. Then the angel said " Then how can your little mind understand 
God's ways ? 
My dear brothers and sisters. I have just given you the above in just few 
sentences. Really many times we talk about heaven and earth as if the 
structural plan of heaven is available in the book shop. We can talk about 
God's ways and the place that God has kept reserved for us only if God reveals 
it to us. We have no right to talk about God's ways.You cannot understand about 
life after death. Its only Jesus who has promissed us that he would take us to 
the Father if we go to him. Jesus will definetely keep this promise. We are 
forced into a false belief that apart from Jesus there are many who can save 
us. We are told that this should be our faith. The bible does not tell us about 
this and if the bible does not tell us about other people saving us then we are 
learning the wrong doctrine. It is Jesus who can save us because he has 
positively told us. Remained glued to Jesus. Why do many selfish people teach 
us selfish things on earth ? Why don't we hear the voice of our shephe
 rd if we are his sheep ? The shepherd hears the cry of his sheep and the sheep 
can recognise the voice of their master. Sad to say we are not able to hear the 
voice of our shepherd and the shepherds that we are after have wolf skin 
clothing. The followers of Jesus should live in the stable. They should live 
with the downtroddens. They cannot sleep in palaces. They cannot put on robe of 
a king. Sceptre and Crown must tumble down and dust be equal made. So what is 
the use of the crown ? we have to put on the crown which Christ wore. We should 
put on the robe which Christ wore. We should be born with Jesus. Born again 
with Jesus. Do not be a fanatic Christian. Before you talk about others put 
your self in order. Like Jesus said to the jews" Those without any sin cast the 
first stone." Let us stop talking evil about other Christians. Those who are 
with Christ are not enemies of Christ. 

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