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Albert writes:- The life of Jesus Christ is a very queer life. He was born in a 
stable. This stable reminds us of poverty. It reminds us that we have to cast 
our eyes on the people who are completely below poverty .We have to elevate 
their sufferings by giving them a part of our food, a part of our clothings. 
Many times we live in big houses. A huge mansion is built to show the world our 
status but there is hardly anyone to occupy it. We have money to waste on 
useless parties which many times depict wastage of food and drinks. How can we 
waste the food and give it to animals when the human beings supposed to be 
God's creation, God's children are left hungry ? Can you bear to see a human 
being eating from a garbage bin ? There are many times we look at a certain 
class of people as the most unwanted creations on earth. We are not ready to 
give these class of people even a drinking water. IN many places where well 
water is used for drinking and cooking we refuse these type of pe
 ople from taking the water from our well. How can we be godly and use these 
instruments to deprive the God's children their daily water or food ? How can 
we treat God's children as animals ? Many human beings are made to carry human 
excreta on their head while disposing the same. Many times we the rich 
zamindars living in flats and bunglows make these low human beings to clean our 
septic tanks and chambers manually. We give them lot of hot drink and make them 
Jesus died on the cross. Jesus died for truth. He died because human beings in 
whose family Jesus was born refused to accept his teachings. Even today there 
are many people who try to convince other people who have the traditional ways 
of religion, the orthodox methods, that they need to change but just like the 
Jews they try to crucify the Jesus in us to the cross. We take delight in using 
the traditional pagan ways to propogate our faith. Many of us might have 
studied act of faith but what is faith ? It is trust in God. The lady who was 
bleeding for many years showed us what faith was. She knew that Jesus was God. 
She came to know about this because God himself revealed that to her and she 
touched the helm of Jesus' garment and the bleeding stopped. Do we have such a 
faith ? What is the use of reciting act of faith when we are faithless or else 
why people rush to this doctor and that doctor and they never step the clinic 
of Jesus Christ because they never pray to him.

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