To Goanet -

Floriano wrote here -

>But don't you give me a lecture on the appropriateness of 
>Goa Su-Raj's stand on this issue. I know what I am talking 
>about. If your vision sees all pink, then I cannot help it. 
>Get yourself a normalcy check-up. There is no point 
>in growing unnecessay ulcers. And you must know that  
>ulcers turn malignant in time if not cured.

Reminds me of the boy and the cookie jar.

Floriano tells me not to lecture him. But Floriano is the 
one who has been lecturing us all this while about the 
grandiose Goa Suraj castle he claimed to have erected. 
He said it represented a different kind of politics and 
that it was a breath of fresh air when in reality it reeks 
of the same old rancid stench as the rest of them. 
He also tells us that Audhut Timblo has been funding 
dinners for the party. Gee, the Timblo fox has been 
guarding the Goa Suraj henhouse, eh?

We might die in this laugh riot first, Floriano, before the
ulcers claim us.



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