Soter is spot on when he makes an analogy and price of the agony caused by
Goan Pride and Idiocy with the havoc wrought by the Koshi/Kosi.

In this regard, allow me to point to a recent piece I illustrated on the
Kosi. The original is 24' 3" wide x 4.75" tall, and done in sumi.

It is appears across several pages in the current issue of Himal and also in
parts on under Special Report. Look under Table of


> From: "soter" <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa govt to Goans: "Get lost!"
> (deleted)
> If employment and revenue is the criteria of judging what is right and
> wrong then as well legalise everything and let's see what happens.  We are
> becoming a society worse than Delhi or U.P. We Goans are really sick. Only a
> deluge of the magnanimity of that in Koshi of Bihar may help us open our
> eyes. God save us from our Pride and idiocy.
> -soter

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