Marshall Mendonza wrote the following : 'Santosh has in the past
JUSTIFIED the violence against christians in Orissa and termed it as
retaliation for the murder of Swami Laxmananda.'

Dear Marshall and GoaNet moderators,

May I ask for evidence that Santoshbab has EVER JUSTIFIED violence
against Christians ANYWHERE?

Once again, please allow me to express my utter disgust at this HATE
which is being spread via Goan cyberfora.

I'd like to suggest this to the GoaNet moderators: Marshall should be
given the opportunity to PROVE that Santoshbab has ever justified
'Violence against Christians'.

If he is unable to prove it - He has the opportunity to withdraw (what
I believe to be) this scurrilous lie against my learned colleague.

If Marshall refuses to withdraw (what I believe is) this LIE, GoaNet
moderators may wish to look at the following options:

1: Ban Marshall and all other LIARS from GoaNet

2: Keep this going on and allow GoaNet to get the reputation of being
a malicious LIARS' Club.

The choice is yours.

To me ...this is not only disgraceful is also dangerous behaviour


PS: GoaNet Moderators, if you choose to reject this post, please do
not bother giving me an explanation. I will understand

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