--- On Mon, 3/9/09, Marshall Mendonza <mmendonz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would the good dotor provide evidence/ proof of -
> 1. The fact that the killing of the swami triggered the
> violence against christians in August 2008 was denied by anyone.

Here is the evidence for this:

"Further a very important and vital point in the Orissa violence was that it 
was not a case of retaliation but pure aggression."
......Marshall Mendonza

> 2. his exposure of such denial

Here is the evidence for this:

"The riots started in retaliation for the murder of the Hindu swami and his 
associates. Perhaps, this is not a very important and vital point."
....Santosh Helekar

"Here is a Reuters news story on the ongoing investigation, which mentions the 
retaliatory nature of the riots, and states who and how many have been arrested 
in connection with the initial and subsequent crimes committed:

Here is a news report in Times of India describing the latest findings of the 
crime branch, including the identification of the mastermind involved in the 
initial killings:

I hope the perpetrators of every single crime committed in these horrible riots 
are brought to justice in a swift manner, and all organizations and groups 
involved in them are outlawed forthwith."
....Santosh Helekar




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