Aires, to be fair to Fr Ivo, it is you who must quote or refer to the
"offending" passage of the Bible and then let him either put that
passage in context, or let him defend what I am sure you consider the

There are many interpretations of the Bible. Not everything seems to
be what one can discern from the first reading. There is a layman's
interpretion, a scholarly interpretation and a believer's
interpretation. There is no wrong and no right here, it is what you
want to understand.

I would be interested to join the discussion once you have pointed out
what seems to you the passages that demean women.

I sincerely hope you will confine yourself to the New Testatment. That
is more relevant to us, rather than the Old Testament which 1) Christ
came to improve upon and 2) which you have to understand in a much
deeper perspective than the later books of the New.

As for Fr Ivo saying the Bible can never be wrong, again I would put
the onus on you to tell us  which passages are "wrong".

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Aires Cabral <> wrote:
> Many  priests are chauvinists. It is no surprise that they treat the nuns 
> like servants . After all there are several passages in the Bible which 
> demean women, and these  are used by these priests to treat women as third 
> class citiziens ( second class citiziens are lay men).Can Fr Ivo enlighten us 
> with his comments in the matter. After all he has said in one of his comments 
> that the Bible is newer wrong!

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

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