Fr Ivo wrote:

>>Can you mention just one? Are there "many" priests who are, according to
>>you, "treating the nuns like servants" using the Bible?

>>You are already attributing an error to the Bible, namely that the Bible
>>"demeans women". Do you want me to teach you the biblical statements on
>>empowerment of women in the Jewish society? What was Jesus' attitude 
>>>>towards women?


My response:

A quick Google search directed me to several links. Here are just a
couple of them which could answer your queries though I cannot vouch
for their authenticity.

Books like the Bible (and those of most other religions) were figments
of human imagination written in times when male society was highly
dominant treating women like inferior citizens. Concepts like equality
were obviously alien in those dark ages. Some of them were even
political doctrines intended to subjugate and conquer other races.

When science has grown by leaps and bounds, why then does religion
stagnate and refuse to grow and evolve? We need to stop taking our
holy books to be the infallible words of God. There is a need for a
scholarly research of all the religions of the world. The scriptures
need to be purged of all instances of hate speeches, irrational
thoughts and discriminatory verses. A modern liberal society needs to
undertake this kind of an exercise. This is the least it owes to


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