
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)



The day christians start killing, raping, burning people alive, destroying
homes and property, vandalising places of worship, intimidating and
threatening weaker sections, causing communal riots, spreading hatred, etc.
you will find me taking as strong  a stand against such actions as I am
doing against hindutva atrocities.

I would expect you to understand and realise that India faces many problems,
some minor, some major. It is important to focus on the major issues which
affect the lives and safety of many of us. Living in the USA, you have no
clue to the problems minorities like christians face in the country today.
People working in the Gulf are far tuned to what is happening here. Things
are not the same what they were when you left the country 38 years
ago. Perhaps in states like Goa and Kerala where they are in large numbers,
they do not face the kind of problems that they face elsewhere in the
country. As Eddie put it very rightly, what has been reported in the media
and which I have been posting are only the tip of the iceberg. There are
daily cases of harassment and intimidation and violence that christians and
christian institutions face. Sometime back the mobile clinic of the
Missionaries of Charity sisters was attacked by Bajrang Dal workers and they
beat up the driver and destroyed all the medicines and equipment besides
threatening the nuns. The nuns did not file a police case because they
wanted to continue working among the poor who would have been deprived and
did not want to get into a confrontation. In another case, the principal of
a school who refused to give admission on a recommendation of a shiv sena
politician, was arrested on trumped up charges of molestation. Prayer
meetings are disrupted. Permissions to hold open air services are withheld.
The carol festival in New Bombay had to be shifted out as the HJS/SS workers
objected. They have tried to impose a ban on cow slaughter in the north-east
where eating of pork and beef is a staple diet.

Recently, another principal of a school, a nun, was arrested on false
charges of 'illegal confinement' when some parents who did not want to pay
the school fees filed false charges. In another case, VHP / BD workers
barged into the school and threatened the principal asking why the portrait
of Veer Savarkar was not hung up. In states like Gujarat, Orissa, MP,
Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan and now Karnataka where the BJP is / was ruling,
harassment and intimidation of christians has almost been institutionalised.
Cases are filed on the flimsiest of grounds, they are made to run from
pillar to post, staff and workers are instigated to create trouble so that
the time, money and attention of the administrators are taken only to run
from police station to government offices and courts. And I could go on and

We need to differentiate between a behavioral issue (of nuns being treated
like servants) and a social issue where the peace and tranquility of
citizens are disrupted.

Are women in our homes treated any better? Please read the surveys conducted
by various magazines and you will find that a large number of women in India
are treated like servants in their homes. Many of them do not only have to
go to work, but also have to take on responsibilities of child rearing and
housework in addition. While emancipation of women is certainly taking
place, it has a long way to go. I have spent some time in the north, where I
have seen women being treated worse than cattle, even educated ones. Ask any
woman who has lived in Delhi to narrate to you their experiences.

The discrimination against women has been universal. In England, women were
given the right to vote only in the 19th Century. Clubs like Bombay Gymkhana
did not admit women members till they fought a legal battle. The RSS does
not admit women members. They have set up a separate cell for them where
they are brainwashed to think that housekeeping and child rearing are their
sole responsibility.



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