
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


Santosh Helekar wrote:

> As for the comical defense below of the mythical protection of other 
> religions and justice in theocratic states of the Persian Gulf, here is 
> a link to what Human Rights Watch says about the situation in Saudi 
> Arabia regarding "Freedom of Religion and Religious 
> Discrimination", "Freedom of Expression", "Women's Rights", "Migrant 
> Worker Rights" and "Arbitrary Detention and Unfair Trials":

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 02:27:31 -0400
From: Roland Francis <roland.fran...@gmail.com>

India is a secular and democratic country, the Persian Gulf states are not.
I leave it to the readers to judge who wears the mantle of hypocrisy
in the matter of persecution of minorities

Mario observes:

It is amazing how some folks deflect attention from a topic by taking it into a 
completely different area - without changing the subject line.

I looked at the title of this post and then looked in vain for any reference to 
the abuse of Catholic nuns by Catholic priests - instead a spirited debate 
about the relative treatment of religious minorities in the Persian Gulf versus 
India, the gist of which seemed to be the ludicrous proposition that religious 
minorities are worse off in India than in a Muslim dictatorship.  Why?  Because 
you knew you would be a third class person before you went there, whereas you 
are officially presumed to be a first class person in India. 

To begin with, it is news to me that the Government of India is attacking or 
condoning attacks on religious minorities, though individuals and groups of 
individuals might be.

In the meantime the two most powerful politicians in India today are a Catholic 
and a Sikh and India has had THREE Muslim presidents and currently even has a 
Goan Catholic as a state governor.

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