
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


I cannot believe that threads like "God and You" or "Relgion and Science" are 
still alive on Goanet.  
The guys (there appear to be only a rare gal involved in such threads) talking 
about religion and science, or God and humans are really talking about 
pseudo-religion and pseudo-science. 
The writings resemble the whining of a five-year old who needs a do-over 
because he has not worked through his anal-trauma, yet.:=))
Regards, GL

--- Albert Desouza wrote:

I still wish to tell you that Mary is not God the way the RC are making her to 
be and she has never promissed to take you to heaven. 
------- Selma wrote:

If you must know the cult of the female goddess predates worship of any male 
God, primarily because it took man sometime to figure out that it was actually 
him that was responsible for impregnation. Prior to that religion was 
female-dominated as she was perceived to be the font of life. 


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