From: "Santosh Helekar" <>
--- On Sun, 4/12/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza <> wrote:

I do not know what is "pseudo-religion" and "pseudo-science".

It is very easy to recognize pseudoscience. Briefly, it refers to any
unscientific claim that is falsely advertised as being scientific by its
proponents or promoters. An unscientific claim is a claim about a material
fact or notion that is not falsifiable by observation or experiment,
and/or one that is not consistent with established scientific facts or

For example, a claim that objects and entities visualized in a mystical
experience have a physical existence apart from the brain is an
unscientific claim because it cannot be falsified by observation or
Here are some characteristics of pseudoscientific claims:
... 2. Claims that incorporate religious beliefs, or announce that science has
confirmed one's own pre-conceived religious or ideological beliefs.
***Reading within the ontext in which I wrote, I stated that I  do not know
if there is "pseudo-science" and "pseudo-religion" in my postings on God and
Science. The answer is that there is no "pseudo-science" nor
"pseudo-religion" in my postings. What you are finding is due to your
ignorance about the matter. Therefore, it is not so "very easy to recognize pseudo-science". 1.What is historical can be established by observation. It is scientific. Denying these facts without any reason is unscientific. The facts that I have given in my postings are historically established, they are not mythical. 2.Science confirms what is factual and historical , not merely "one's own pre-conceived religious or ideological beliefs".
I have no "my own pre-conceived religious beliefs"....
3.Science approves of the medical system of Homeopathy and Ayurveda. They are different systems.
Allopathic is not the only one. Cheating should be avoided in any system.
4. Faith healing has its place, as placebo effect/healing has its own.

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