Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:04:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>

Fr. Ivo,

Thanks for endorsing my statement. What is it they say about "great minds think 

Mario observes:

Gilbert is absolutely correct.  He and Fr. Ivo think exactly alike, as we can 
see from their posts - and both are fantastic thinkers in their own minds:-))

Gilbert wrote:

I concur that Goans should not / cannot be misled by the few pontificators.?

Mario observes:

I don't think Gilbert has been successful in misleading anyone, but it is not 
for want of trying.  Here are a few examples of his own demagoguery and 
pontifications, just in the last few days, mostly in posts he initiated for no 
apparent reason other than to be contentious and display his anti-American 


The writings resemble the whining of a five-year old who needs a do-over 
because he has not worked through his anal-trauma, yet.:=))


America has been adept at using foreign countries and issues to distract itself 
and the world.

Those engaged in demagoguery, should not feel bad.  They do provide a service 
to other goanetters, not as educators but in providing us some 'laffs'. 
After-all, those 'laffs' are always better than watching 'teevee':=))

Memo to Goanet: This was written by Gilbert in the middle of committing 


Few far right wing Republicans, who follow Rush Limbaugh, may be sulking at the 
success occurring under President Obama's watch.


The distraction of America, can also apply to other countries, and to us as 


Dubya will want Iraq to succeed to vindicate himself. Rush Limbaugh and his 
"ditto heads" will want Iraq to fail, just so that they can blame Obama, for 
the premature withdrawal from Iraq. Are you sure you want to call yourself an 
"admitted 'dittohead'"?:=))


A pointer I have learnt, and which you likely know, but I would like to share 
with other Goanetters: Do not permit others to define oneself, ones views or 
ones message.

Mario observes:

These are only a few examples from just this month!  I think the evidence shows 
that Gilbert does not need anyone else to define him - he does that quite well 
with his own writings.


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