--- On Fri, 4/17/09, Gilbert Lawrence <gilbert2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>Since you-both have asked for my clarification, I am stepping into this
> cross-current.

Dear Gilbert,

I had asked you to tell me why you think that even the religion that Fr. Ivo 
was preaching in these kinds of threads was pseudo-religion - a term that you 
used when you initiated this thread. Unfortunately, you have not done that in 
this post or any other. Instead, you have produced two posts whose contents as 
well as purpose are incomprehensible to me, and perhaps to others.
So in order to try to understand what you are saying, let me ask you some 
simple questions and seek further clarifications from you. I would appreciate 
it if you could respond to them.

>There are the sciences of philosophy, theology, logic, human behavior etc.
> all of which fields (in varying degrees) are encompassed within the >training 
> of priesthood, irrespective of religion.  

Are you claiming that Christian priests and ministers, Muslim mullahs and 
imams, and Hindu bhots and swamis study science and scientific method as part 
of their theological curriculum? If so, could you please let me know the name 
of at least one science textbook that they are required to read.

> So IMO both Religion and Science can be scientific endeavors. 

Can you please explain how religion can be a scientific endeavor with at least 
one specific example?

> To be critical of the past (with a retro-spectroscope) is
> easy, may even border on demagoguery; but it is not very
> intellectual except for those with a low IQ. 

What in the world are you talking about here? The above statement does not make 
any sense at all in the context of what has been discussed in this thread. The 
problem is not the past but what is being done in the present - the fact that 
outdated ancient medical practices such as Ayurveda and Homeopathy are being 
practiced unchanged and untested at the present time. They are giving patients 
the same unregulated pre-scientific pills and potions that Dhanvantari and 
Hahnemann gave their patients centuries ago. 

How can you not recognize this simple fact after claiming in the same post that 
in your own field, breast cancer treatment has changed in less than three 
decades based on new findings, with the advent and insistence of the rigorous 
application of the scientific method in today's evidence-based scientific 



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