From: "Santosh Helekar" <>
--- On Sun, 4/19/09, MD <> wrote:

Science is no match for religioud belief.

Dear Maurice,

You are right only about the fact that science is no match for religious belief, and that Fr. Ivo writes in good faith. I suspect, so do you and Gilbert.

But good faith is not good science. That is all I am saying. I am forced to say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert, that their religion is scientific. I am also trying to provide accurate scientific information about public health and safety in this lay public forum because I consider it my responsibility and duty to do so.
***"Good faith" can be "good science". Which are "false claims"? That "their (my/our) religion is scientific"? I never said it. Science is Science and Religion is Religion. There is no conflict between Science and Religion. But the basis of Christianity is historical, therefore it can be confirmed through historical, scientific, archaeological, cultural tools. Dr.Santosh may have the responsibility of struggling against superstitions, but not against Religion... This is not safe and sound, on the contrary Dr.Santosh is misleading his readers and students... We have to fight together against what is unhealthy, not against whatever we write about God, as being "bogus" and "fake"...

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