From: "Mario Goveia" <>
As a practicing Catholic and a believer in objective science, it
continues to boggle the mind when otherwise serious individuals confuse
science and faith, which is the basis of religion.
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" <>
But what is faith for you? "Beliefs" without any historical-scientific basis?

<<< Yes. For example, what historic or scientific basis can you cite for the Virgin Birth, The Holy Trinity, the Resurrection of Christ, His Ascension into Heaven, and the Assumption of Mary into Heaven? ***Virginal conception of Jesus has a historical basis (cf.Mt 1:18-23). The "Holy Trinity" is based on the revelation of Jesus: God is his Father, Jesus is the Son, and after his death and Resurrection, Jesus sent the Spirit. Resurrection has a historical basis in the Gospel accounts, therefore, we do accept his Resurrection ( on the basis of the empty tomb and his appearances to the disciples), his ascension to heaven (to the Father). Mary is the first creature to share in the Resurrection of Jesus, she was taken to heaven, to the Father.

What scientific basis can you cite for the existence of Heaven, or Hell?
**Again, it is the teaching of Jesus, the teaching of the New Testament. Jesus is a historical person, he is the Redeemer. You can always study more details...

<<< Once I have accepted certain core beliefs based on certain circumstantial evidence, the rest is based on faith, without any objective scientific proof in either history or science. ***Historical-scientific evidence is there for "core beliefs", for the Resurrection of Jesus, the foundation of the Christian Faith, for miracles, for 'dogmas' (official expression of the Christian Faith" .

To begin with, I try to focus on the essentials of Christ's teaching, which can all be summarized in a couple of pages. These are the Ten Commandments, especially the last seven, The Golden Rule, and the Sermon on the Mount.
***You accept the teaching of Jesus, you accept him, as proposed by the Gospels. You have 'faith' in the historical person of Jesus.
> The rest means little to me. Most of it is designed to provide full > employment and a good living for Padres and Madres. Except that I have > far more respect for those Padres and Madres who toil tirelessly and > endlessly and thanklessly in missions where they physically help those > unable to help themselves. Those are the ones I try to help, not those > who wear fancy clothes and Gucci shoes:-))
***We need everything and everyone for our historical faith... Each one works according to his/her vocation. The engineer does his work, the mason does his... Both are needed for the building. The missionaries do their work, the bishops do theirs. It is 'missionary' work only for every Christian. All are needed for the building up of the Kingdom of God! What do you mean by "the rest means little to me"? Today we need also "fancy clothes" and "Gucci shoes"... These are the signs of the times!

Why do you believe in God?
To tell you the truth, it is based on my gut-feeling that something supernatural had to get the evolution of the universe started, that I can't reconcile the engineering complexities of living things and of thoughts and feelings and memories with simple evolution, and, finally, the fact that many eminent scientists have been unable disprove the existence of God.
**You are right. Our Reason tells us. I also think that Science alone cannot explain the complexities of the Universe, the very beginning of the Universe. God is a 'structural dimension' of the human being. God has made us "to his own likeness and similarity" (Gen 1:27). Reason is illuminated by Faith: it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the teaching of Jesus, therefore I do believe in the existence of God, the Father.
> Is Science the only source of knowledge?
Yes, if you want to know something for sure or within a certain rational probability. Otherwise it's all speculation and conjecture.
***Not at all. What about other truths? Can Science exhaust the truth, the whole Reality? Are all Sciences following the same method? Empirical sciences and the human sciences, the theological sciences?
Christian faith is historical faith, not mythical, therefore it has historical-scientific basis. Not scientific, in the sense that it can be empirically proved, like physical phenomena, but in its historical background (as much as scientific test can do for the spiritual-supernatural phenomena with their sensible wrappings), its
consequences, individual and societal...
> Religion tells us about God. Reason speaks to us.

This is proof positive that you have no idea of what most people refer to as objective science.
***This is the "proof positive" that you do not understand what "revealed Religion" is, of what is historical Revelation, of what is the witness of the Gospels. In short, you do not see the difference...between empirical sciences and other sciences, including theology.

How can also be easy doing good without faith in God?  Jesus himself
spoke to us about his intimacy with the Father (God) and told us to do
good.  If Mother Teresa has done what she did, it is because she lived in
communion with God.

I know at least three atheists who do a lot of good for poor people who do not believe in God or Jesus, as well as hundreds of non-Christians who do not believe that Jesus is the son of God.
***I know thousands of politicians who give money to the poor for their votes... My contention is that we cannot "do good" without God's Grace, that there is no "a-theist", that denying the existence of God does not mean that the 'a-theist' lives without the Absolute, the Ground of Human Existence....

Who has given Ten Commandments? Who has spoken of Golden Rule with its
new foundation, and the Sermon on the Mount? If Jesus of Nazareth has spoken to us, what did he say about God?
The Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount make conventional common sense. They need no scientific proof.
***Good, they do not need "scientific proof". The Golden Rule exists in our hearts, in all religions (in its different formulation and foundation), but Jesus of Nazareth has given it a radical meaning, as you can witness in the lives of the missionaries, and a different foundation: his death and Resurrection, his Spirit. The Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, the Sermon on the Mount are a gift of the Jewish-Christian Bible. I am glad to know that it does not need a "scientific proof", that you seemed to ask me throughout the discussion for religious tenets.

Homeopathy has its benefits. This is clear. I am not telling you to
follow only homeopathy, leaving allopathy. Both can work in these cases.

Padre Ivo, with "faith" like this, I hope you never get cancer:-))
***Finally, you land up with homeopathy. But homeopathy has nothing to do with Religion. This is not 'faith', this is Science. But remember, Science requires also faith. Therefore, I am not mixing science with faith: our life itself is made up of faith and science. Science will not work without faith, nor faith without science...

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