From: "Mario Goveia" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 19:05:58 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" <>

I cannot study Theology without studying Science at all.

Mario observes:

Padre Ivo,

With all due respect, if you are continuing to insist that the existence of God
can be proven by science, after once agreeing that science cannot prove or
disprove the existence of God, then, as Goanet's lone voice of reason, truth
and peace, I am forced to conclude that you may have studied Theology and
Science, but understood little of both.
But he can discuss this topic without knowing Theology at all.

Mario responds:

I think if this discussion was about Theology you wouldn't hear a peep out
of Santosh. Unfortunately, this discussion is not about Theology but about
questionable experiments that are being passed off as scientific and bogus
assertions that there is no conflict between religion and science.
***This long discussion has been triggered by posts of "pseudo-science",
coming from the scientist Dr.Santosh, who would disprove whatever would refer
to God or religion in the name of Science.
This is the answer: There is no conflict between Science and Theology.
If I had understood "little of both", I would have not argued in favour of harmony between the truth systems. I have understood better than Dr.Santosh and you what is the relationship between Science and historical Revelation, that prompts me to stand by my contention. You are misquoting and misunderstanding me. This is neither Science nor Theology...

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