Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 18:53:57 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C. de Souza" <>

Virginal conception of Jesus has a historical basis (cf.Mt 1:18-23). The 
"Holy Trinity" is based on the revelation of Jesus: God is his Father, Jesus is 
the Son, and after his death and Resurrection, Jesus sent the Spirit. 
Resurrection has a historical basis in the Gospel accounts, therefore, we do 
accept his Resurrection (on the basis of the empty tomb and his appearances to 
the disciples), his ascension to heaven (to the Father). Mary is the first 
creature to share in the Resurrection of Jesus, she was taken to heaven, to the 

Re. the existence of Heaven and Hell:
Again, it is the teaching of Jesus, the teaching of the New Testament. 
Jesus is a historical person, he is the Redeemer. You can always study more 

Historical-scientific evidence is there for "core beliefs", for the 
Resurrection of Jesus, the foundation of the Christian Faith, for miracles, for 

God is a 'structural dimension' of the human being. God has made 
us "to his own likeness and similarity" (Gen 1:27). Reason is illuminated by 
Faith: it tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the teaching of 
Jesus, therefore I do believe in the existence of God, the Father.

What about other truths? Can Science exhaust the truth, the 
whole Reality? Are all Sciences following the same method? Empirical 
sciences and the human sciences, the theological sciences?

This is the "proof positive" that you do not understand what "revealed 
Religion" is, of what is historical Revelation, of what is the witness of 
the Gospels. In short, you do not see the difference...between empirical 
sciences and other sciences, including theology.

Finally, you land up with homeopathy. But homeopathy has nothing to do 
with Religion. This is not 'faith', this is Science. But remember, Science 
requires also faith. Therefore, I am not mixing science with faith: our life 
itself is made up of faith and science. Science will not work without faith, 
nor faith without science...

Mario responds:

Thanks for confirming with this determined attack on the English language that 
your beliefs are purely based on your faith, and have nothing to do with 
science as most English speakers understand the language.

Padre Ivo apparently has his own definition of what science means.

Padre Ivo wrote:

Today we need also "fancy clothes" and "Gucci shoes"... These are the signs of 
the times!

Mario responds:

Aye, aye, aye!  Mother Theresa must be spinning in her grave:-))  I wonder who 
pays for those fancy clothes and Gucci shoes?  I must remember this the next 
time they ask for money:-))

Padre Ivo wrote:

that there is no "a-theist", that denying the existence of God does not mean 
that the 'a-theist' lives without the Absolute, the Ground of Human 

Mario responds:

Once again, there is no recognizable English in this comment.

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