--- On Tue, 4/28/09, J. Colaco < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I had asked Santoshbab for evidence that 'Prayer does not work'. He >referred 
>me to two papers which I have not yet reviewed.

The papers to which I referred were reviews and meta-analyses of all 
intercessory prayer studies done until now. I will post a brief lay summary of 
my own analysis of all studies separately.  

> Now ... you say you have evidence (possibly from your prayer groups) >that 
> prayer works. Would you please direct me (or someone else) to the 
> >'evidence', so that it can be scientifically analysed? I belong to the >set 
> of individuals who believes that prayer helps them. However, for me >to say 
> that it is likely to help others, I will have to provide >scientific proof.

Let me point out that I have been talking only about distant intercessory 
prayer i.e. prayer conducted by other people that someone located at a distant 
place from them be healed or cured, without his/her knowledge. As far as 
personal prayer and faith are concerned, no proper scientific study has ever 
been conducted to evaluate their efficacy. But I am of the opinion that people 
who believe in them should continue to pray. Irrespective of whether personal 
prayer works or not, it is a harmless practice, as long as proper modern 
scientific treatment is also taken at the same time. Its value might be in the 
fact that at the very least it gives you personal satisfaction, and elevates 
your mood.

As far as asking Fr. Ivo to produce scientific evidence is concerned, you might 
have better luck if you prayed for a miracle. 

Fr. Ivo appears to be not the least bit familiar with peer-reviewed medical 
scientific literature, and as a professional priest and theologian, clearly and 
understandably, does not have the background and training required to evaluate 
genuine scientific evidence and cutting-edge scientific research. 

Besides, as I have said before, and as Mario has now realized, Fr. Ivo has 
redefined science for himself in his mind. He has his own imaginary definition 
of science that has nothing to do with what is taught in a modern science 




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