Santosh, .... keep thinking and understand what others write; rather than 
writing.... and writing.

Anecdotal cases does not make science. Yet, GOOD science would / should  also 
explain anecdotal cases.  Take your time and think about this.  

It is OK to control your urge to respond without much thought.  If science 
cannot explain anecdotal cases, it is an issue for GOOD scientists to give it a 
deep thought.  If one does not have any thoughts, they should give some 
consideration to others, with some thoughts.  That does not mean they should 
accept any reasoning; but certainly should have an open mind.

Everything one reads, should be analyzed with common sense and healthy dose of 
skepticism.  Remember, what one thinks one reads, is not necessarily what is 
written.  "The eyes read, what the mind understands"
Many others have alluded to your writings before on other topics. Web search 
and web links is a poor substitute to knowledge. I hope my explanation about 
"cure" in the prior post helps you understand. Do not feel bad. Even practicing 
physicians use the word "cure" in cancer without truly knowing what it means.  
Some specialists inter-changeably use words like cancer cure, cancer control, 
cancer eradication, cancer remission, cancer elimination, 5-year survival etc.. 

If you are a 'real' scientist, it may hurt you to know that, what wins the 
fight against cancer, in an older patient, is not infrequently the final bell - 
if you know what I mean.  As a clinician I am not attempting to control 
cancer after the patient has passed away. But that is not scientifically a 
"CURE" of what is truly could be a "latent cancer".

So scientists can and do massage their data when they present it.  And people 
like you buy it because you do not understand the nuances. I hope you take this 
information in the positive way in which it is given.  Goanet is not a 
scientific forum, but I am sure Goanetters got a good understanding what the 
doctors (or web) say ... and ... what the patients may think the doctors (web) 
said ... and why the discrepancy.  

This is my final contribution on this topic. You can continue arguing this 
topic with your side-kicks. For me to argue cancer management with you, is like 
a PhD in chemistry arguing with someone with a Bachelor's degree. "An empty can 
makes the most noise"
Regards, GL
------------------- Santosh Helekar 
I thought Gilbert was agreeing with Fr. Ivo earlier in his claim that 
homeopathy was a science and that anecdotal evidence was scientific.

------------- Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

In medicine we call that a "snake oil salesman" which is euphemism for 

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