--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Gilbert Lawrence <gilbert2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I hope this post is preserved in the President Pandurang library; so that his 
> posterity >will appreciate the reputation of the scientist in their family 
> tree. 

I thank Gilbert for reminding me to bring to the esteemed attention of 
ex-President Pandurang this highly insightful post of Gilbert on cancer 
management. The President has always been impressed by Gilbert's wisdom, 
perceptiveness and superior knowledge on a broad range on subjects. In this 
latest post on the comprehensive management of cancer, Gilbert makes the 
following astute observations, which the President has asked me to archive in 
his library in Chimolchem Xerr.

"I feel good as an oncologist for refusing to continue to discuss cancer 
management with Santosh."
....Gilbert Lawrence

The President knows that actually Gilbert is only a radiation oncologist. But 
that's okay. Gilbert’s deep understanding of global economics and economic 
policy, which he shared with us on Goanet recently, should compensate for his 
restrictive specialization in radiation therapy.

"I hope other experts take my lead and turn him down, when he engages any of 
them in a tit-for-tat and blatant intimidation; while he is actually learning 
from his counterpart."
....Gilbert Lawrence

The President has learned a great deal from Gilbert on the history of Tipu 
Sultan and the Mangalorean Catholics, as well as the history of Indian 
languages that Gilbert posted on Goanet, drawing from his expertise in history. 
These excerpts were taken by Gilbert from his highly acclaimed book "Amchi 

"Either he knows more and more about less and less (a.k.a. little); or he knows 
little about everything."
....Gilbert Lawrence

The President did not know that less and less was a. k. a. little, and is 
thankful to Gilbert for sharing this knowledge of the English language with him.

"Anyone with half-a-brain would question the following post prior to posting 
....Gilbert Lawrence

The President would like to know what kind of telepathic or parapsychological 
power Gilbert has that he can question a post prior to posting it. Does one 
need to possess half-a-brain as huge as Gilbert's, or will the brain of an 
average Goanetter do?

"Based on what is written, if a person develops one of the cancers listed 
below, does scientific expert likely say to the relative-patient - "No worries. 
Go and celebrate. Take a whole month's vacation in Hawaii and then another 
month to Thailand and then another month in India",... because the cancer 
(listed below) is 'now completely curable even in advanced stages.'""
....Gilbert Lawrence

President Pandurang is highly impressed by Gilbert's interpretation of the 
meaning of the word "curable" in the above observation. The President had 
actually believed quite the opposite. He had thought that if he ever got an 
incurable disease, he would go on a vacation to Hawaii and Thailand in the 
remaining days, and frolic, because he would not have to worry about catching 
another incurable disease. He knows that he can die only once from an incurable 

“Clearly Santosh tries to shine by denigrating others and parasiting or 
distorting their writings.”
….Gilbert Lawrence

Gilbert has taught the President a new way of shining. Shining by parasiting 

“I hope his library also archives the obnoxious private posts he write to 
others; abusing and threatening them (which the Goanet moderators are aware 

The President is now thinking of hiring Gilbert as his Chief Librarian and also 
recommending him to head the new CIA i.e. Chimbel Intelligence Agency, housed 
in the Xerr building, because of the incredible powers that enable Gilbert to 
spy on the contents of private posts written to others, and also know that 
Goanet moderators are aware of them. 

But the President assures Gilbert that he need not been threatened by private 
or public posts that make fun of him. He has asked the Goanet moderators to 
allow Gilbert to shine on Goanet as much as he wants by parasiting other 
people’s writings.

“Like his opening line below, while getting his the list of cancer that are 
"completely curable even in advanced stages" fresh from a web-link.”
….Gilbert Lawrence

The President knows that all of Gilbert’s expansive knowledge comes from his 
own discoveries and from truths that have been revealed to him by Goan 
grandmothers, old ladies and other higher powers. Therefore, Gilbert has never 
felt the need to read anything that is written by others on the internet or in 
printed books. But now that Gilbert is being considered for the position of the 
Chief Librarian of the Pandurang Presidential Library, the President wants him 
to know that a library consists of books and papers written by other people, 
and it provides access to the world wide web because the web archives all the 
latest advances in electronic format. If by any chance, however remote, Gilbert 
does not know something, the President wants him to access the internet to read 
what is written in, such things as the National Library of Medicine medical 
literature database and the data provided by professional organizations and 



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