
    Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) book launch in
London, England @ the World Goa Day festivities on 15 Aug at 7pm
              Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 10:13:57 -0700
From: "isouza" <icso...@sancharnet.in>

Religion should guide business. We should criticise globalization and 
capitalism, when the system harms the lesser humans... Globalization has its 
strong and weak points.
Capitalism should be moderate.
Otherwise, social justice is not met in human relationships...

Mario observes:

These comments show the typical ignorance of how capitalism works.

True capitalism is based on free market economics, which means that no 
government or religious leader decides what's good for everyone else and what 
constitutes "social justice".

Each individual does what they believe is in their own long term interest, 
which includes being considerate towards the welfare of others, i.e. "social 
justice", not because some bureaucrat or religious leader thinks its a good 
idea, but because it is good for the individual.

Thus individuals will decide by their decisions and actions if globalization 
"has strong and weak points" in their case, which is something they evaluate in 
everything they do.

Capitalism is moderate and socially conscious by definition, because being 
immoderate and socially unconscious is not good for the capitalist.  The 
numerous capitalists who are now either out of business or rotting in jail all 
forgot that key lesson.

Here is a concise explanation of how this works in practice.


BTW, there is no pure capitalist system in the world today because of 
interference by politicians who think they know what's good for everyone else, 
better than they do.  Countries today are on a spectrum which ranges from 
capitalism on one end and socialism on the other.

In actual practice, the more capitalism in a country the better the quality of 
life for the most people for the longest time. 

The economic resurgence of India and China after 50 wasted years of extreme 
socialism and communism is a classic example.

Some of the fruits of capitalism can be squandered however, by corruption, 
which is what we can see for ourselves in India, including in Goa.

Fr. Ivo wrote:

This advice [for the Vatican to keep its nose out of economics] is faulty. 
Precisely the Holy Father is teaching the world how to improve the quality of 
life through genuine economic activity.

Mario responds:

The Pope has nothing to teach the world about how capitalism works, and his 
recent encyclical proves it beyond any doubt.

Capitalism takes care of improving the quality of life in its sphere of 
influence it for it's own benefit, not because someone else thinks it is a good 

This can be observed by examining the relative quality of life in countries 
that are closer to the capitalism end of the economic scale, where the quality 
of life is far superior to those countries that are closer to the socialist end.
  • ... noronha
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... Bosco D'Mello
      • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
      • ... isouza
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Mario Goveia

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