
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 11:35:49 -0700
From: "isouza" <icso...@sancharnet.in>

There is no need to be a professional economist or politician to know 
what it is dishonest behaviour in economic or political fields. The Holy 
Father will never speak on economics or politics without consulting experts in 
economics and politics...

Mario responds:

Poppycock.  Whether after consultation or not, it is dishonest to pretend to 
address "human development" while harming working people by preaching against 

Fr. Ivo wrote:

You can see how well the Goan politicians are doing without even S.S.C... They 
would have been successful and really responsible to the Goan people if they 
had followed the principles laid by the Church in her Social Encyclicals...

Mario responds:

Anyone who finds outsourcing beneficial in their business but is not doing so 
because of the Pope is harming his or her business, by definition.

Fr. Ivo wrote:

That is what John Paul II did throughout his life, and the married 
couples are grateful to him. The Youth still remember him.

Mario responds:

This must have been like the blind leading the blind.  I remember John Paul II 
well, because he did not confront the pedophile priest issue until it was too 
little, too late, and was more concerned about the pedophiles than the innocent 
victims who were scarred for life.

Fr. Ivo wrote:

The Holy Father is right, whereas Mario is wrong. Benedict XVI did not 
"end" outsourcing ("if outsourcing were to end"), but "guided" it. Read the 
text before you criticise.

Mario responds:

You have told me what the text said.  If anyone followed his "guidance" at 
their cost, he did not do them any favors, and harmed those who would have 
received the outsourced jobs as well..

Fr. Ivo wrote:


"...Moreover, the so-called outsourcing of production can weaken the company's 
sense of responsibility towards the stakeholders - namely the workers, the 
suppliers, the consumers, the natural environment and broader society - in 
favour of the shareholders, who are not tied to a specific geographical area 
and who therefore enjoy extraordinary mobility".

Mario responds:

This makes no sense whatsoever.  The shareholders own the company and no other 
"stakeholders" would benefit if it were not for them.  So what if they have 
geographical mobility?  The fact is that they have invested in a particular 
business which has to maximize its resources so that all the "stakeholders" can 
benefit in the long run.

Fr. Ivo wrote:

In short, as I said earlier, "Benedict XVI is not against outsourcing, but 
is appealing to responsibility towards all the stakeholders over mere 
profitability of shareholders"...

Mario responds:

There would be no successful "stakeholders" without successful "shareholders" 
making "mere" profits.

Memo to Goanetters:  Please note that Fr. Ivo and Pope's JP II and Benny have 
never had to make anything so crass as "mere" profits.  So they can BS to their 
hearts content and pretend as if they know something about economics.  This 
whole encyclical proves otherwise.

Fr. Ivo wrote:

The Vatican is not hampering business, but helping it to go the right 

Mario responds:

As a businessman myself, the Vatican can PLEASE keep it's "guidance" to itself 
and use it in any businesses it owns.  Listening to their non-expert advice 
would hamper my business.

Fr. Ivo wrote:

Unfortunately the Church cannot do it. Let her do what she is doing at 

Mario responds:

Poppycock.  If they can provide "guidance" to businesses they can do the same 
to governments.  If they followed my advice more people and more "stakeholders" 
would benefit, which would also mean more donations for you and them:-))  
Remember this.  The more profits businessmen make the better for all you 
Padres.  Where do you think your donations come from?

Fr. Ivo wrote:

Service is the key-word for every business company. Let them do it 
correctly and help those who are in need. The Church refuses to accept 
"black money" from the "dishonest stewards"...

Mario responds:

We don't need the Vatican to tell us that service is the key to our businesses. 
 That's like telling us that the sun rises in the East.  Very interesting but 
we knew that already.

How does someone who has never run a business know what is "correct"?

If you think the Church does not accept money from "dishonest stewards" you 
know even less than I thought.  The biggest individual donors to the Church in 
Italy as well as the USA are Mafia Dons.  They think they are buying advance 
tickets to good seats in the next world:-))

  • ... Mario Goveia
  • ... Mario Goveia
  • ... Mario Goveia
  • ... Mario Goveia
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... isouza
  • ... Mario Goveia
  • ... Mario Goveia
  • ... Mario Goveia

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