
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Aye saaiba. kitem saangche tum-ka.

Yes Fred, the term"goichi" if I am not mistaken is used by SB
(saraswat brahmins) who are spread over the Konkan to address SB's
(their gurls are quiet sundari *wink wink*...if you know what I mean)
from the Goa area. In Carwar where I sometimes spend time (feesh is
cheaper here you know), its commonly used to refer to folks from north
of the border. I think nothing wrong with Goich.

Say no offense but I tot Xembuh Moidekar's post was naughty in title
but tot-provoking and fine reading coming from north of the Zuari. My
pet pigling Catrina and me have been reading it over and over....and
Catrina has put it to song; I'll post on you tube shortly. Reading all
those discussions on the US health care and God and God-not on the
GoaNet does not cut in for me: I am on the GoaNet 'cause I want to
read Goan! I think we should lighten up a bit....culturally, we are a
joyful peoples no?

Unfortunately it made one sick in the stomach to read the Selma's
account of the life of Swindon Goans in the Herald a while ago. Its a
harsh reality and the description of the smell from the chicken plant
is etched in my memory. So perhaps Xembu was right in dishing out a
little advice I would think.

Aye, the good Doo-tor from the islands had something to say about
pseudonym. I don't want get on his wrong side (Doo-tors and the
injection brings fear of God, needle mixed with cold sweat in
me)....but isn't putting masks  part of Goan story telling, our folk
lore. From the dusty villages of Salcette, we roam during intruz with
masks and play characters, long forgotten dead characters.......Senor
Dorado from Utorda Moodar will remember the late Cyril whose one-man
act (as his dead aunt) drove the village kids crazy with excitement
and frightful joy. Its our style of narrative, of story telling as an
alter ego...or something like that.

Best regards from the land of choris-pau-a-plenty, Mississauga.

2009/8/29 Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2009/8/29 Tony de Sa <tonyde...@gmail.com>:
>> You demean all Moidekars and all Goychis with your crab mentality and 'free
>> advice'.
>> And one for the way: Why do you hide behind the skirts of a pseudonym?
> Arrey baba Tony, is the usage "Goychis" right? If I'm not mistaken,
> this usage (or another variation of it) was first brought up by amcho
> own Pandu Lapiao. Is it a right form of address? Just curious? FN
> --
> FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
> Konkani adages  http://konkani-adages.notlong.com/
> Medieval Goa     http://medieval-goa.notlong.com/
  • ... J. Colaco < jc>
    • ... Tony de Sa
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
        • ... Pandu Lampiao
        • ... Alfred de Tavares
      • ... Ashley D'silva

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