
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


You advice? Who needs the demned commodity?

Whoever scribed this boorish, obscene, self-seeking comments on the obtaining 
realities of life of our Goans in Swindon, or for that matter anywhere they are 
endeavouring to better their lives, even if this creatures weird sick 
fantasies, hold 
any rapport with realities, displays a befouled, wrotten & cess-poolish mind.

He/she has no historical ...none at all...notion, how, over the millenia, 
masses, seeking ammelioration in life, have had to bear in- human, -conceivable
ordeals, and shouldering them with invincible courage and determination have
overcome innumerable herculaen hurddles encountered and overcome them.

Shame on you...nerd, if, indeed, you possess even infitessimal iota of 
you could do far worse than cover yourself with the matter you are so damnably
contemptuous of, but which is as much a part of life as breathing air, drinking 
and requiring food. 

For you, a sound bio-degradation may....albeit, most dubiously...do you a bit 
yet render you a deggree of salubrity.

You have not an inkling of the nobble nature of Goan off-shore workers of yore:
Our sailors -- 'shippies' -- always, exemplarilly maintained a formidable 
dignity and
enviable solidarity among their vast fraternity...

Each and all of them, could not land the few...rare plum jobs aboard, available 
the ratings; many did the odd, but essential jobs, that had to be done.

But, would any one ever disclose the nature of the job done by any of their 

Never, it was an absolute taboo, that if broken would be met by an ordeal 
to being tarred and feathered: Certainly, an unendurable ostracising the boor, 
aboard, not
just the ship he was next appointed to, but all others as well.

I know what I am talking about. I have known the fraternity extensively and 
through my innumerable school & college...etc., mates but also during my many, 
lovingly remembered visits, during the last 40+ years aboard Canbera, Oriana, 
& many others...when the several hundred Goan members of the respective 
lavished me with love, home-food, torrents of booze...an unforgettable & ever 

Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, Sweden.
Tel: 0046 8 759 6214; Cell: 0046 8 295 40 91

> Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 21:25:47 +0530
> From: fredericknoro...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Swines and Swindon

> 2009/8/29 Tony de Sa <tonyde...@gmail.com>:
> > You demean all Moidekars and all Goychis with your crab mentality and 'free
> > advice'.
> > And one for the way: Why do you hide behind the skirts of a pseudonym?
> Arrey baba Tony, is the usage "Goychis" right? If I'm not mistaken,
> this usage (or another variation of it) was first brought up by amcho
> own Pandu Lapiao. Is it a right form of address? Just curious? FN
> -- 
> FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
> Konkani adages  http://konkani-adages.notlong.com/
> Medieval Goa     http://medieval-goa.notlong.com/

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  • ... J. Colaco < jc>
    • ... Tony de Sa
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
        • ... Pandu Lampiao
        • ... Alfred de Tavares
      • ... Ashley D'silva

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