floriano wrote:
> However, I do not expect my state to cover my medical bills because my state 
> is a poor state 
> and cannot afford such luxuries :-)) when it can afford mega luxuries for its 
> chosen ones.  

I agree with you in regards to the "chosen ones." I am especially glad that the 
Goa Govt has 
the money to sponsor the vacations of half a dozen young Canadians every year.

> As far as growing spinach and coconuts in the Canadian backyards is 
> concerned, you may be right. 
> However, you must take note that my brother who lives in Missisauga has 
> successfully grown 
> patoi'eamche khole' and has made and enjoyed patoieos far removed from home 
> too. And I had a 
> tough time to send him some live 'volod' disguised as medicinal roots :-))

Yes, it does take a few years for immigrants to understand that the laws here 
are to protect residents
and the Canadian economy. For example, if you bring Goan sausages into Canada, 
the customs officer 
will don on gloves, pick the sausages out of your bag and put both the sausages 
and gloves into an 
incinerator. The same guys will actually snatch an apple from a baby's hands 
and drop it into the same
incinerator. In both cases, this is done to protect diseases from spreading 
into and devastating the 
Canadian economy.

Despite this, people still try to circumnavigate the law. Some learn about 
Canadian laws only 
when they are given hefty fines for failing to comply. On the other hand, 
businessmen have found out 
the hard way that there is a limit to how many people you can fool in a 
literate society. The health section 
of the newspapers here keep their readers updated on the latest advances of 
medical sciences. In addition, 
when a cause for any disease becomes know, the Govt, i.e. the guarantor of 
public health, will disseminate 
the info in a way that it reaches all those in the high risk category. This is 
done because it is always more 
cost effective to prevent a disease than to pay for its treatment.

As an example, the Canadian Govt targets those whose origins are in the Indian 
sub-continent by informing
them that, because of their diet, they are in the high risk category for high 
blood pressure, heart and cardio-
vascular diseases. Poly saturates, found in coconut oil, is about the worst 
food for those with high cholesterol
levels. To make this simple to understand, if coconut oil was beneficial, it 
would command premium prices. 
Virgin coconut oil would be snapped up by the multi-nationals, patented, and 
marketed using brand names.
Mervyn Lobo
Since trade ignores national boundaries and the manufacturer insists on having 
the world as a market, 
the flag of his nation must follow him, and the doors of the nations which are 
closed against him must be 
battered down. Concessions obtained by financiers must be safeguarded by 
ministers of state, even if the 
sovereignty of unwilling nations be outraged in the process. Colonies must be 
obtained or planted, in order 
that no useful corner of the world may be overlooked or left unused.
 - Woodrow Wilson - President of the United States.

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