--- On Sat, 12/12/09, Victor Rangel-Ribeiro <vrangel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Largescale clinical trials would be needed to determine the efficacy of >the 
> following: a)medication made using oil and feni from the same trees, >vs. 
> that made from different trees; b) palm feni/coconut oil/holy water 
> >formula vs. cashew feni/coconut oil/holy concoction. Please note 
> >that despite all homeopathic theory and practice, I for one would prefer 
> >either of the fenis to be undiluted. 

Dear Victorbab,

Since we are marketing them under holy homeopathy, no need for clinical trials 
or evidence. All we need is a good publicist, preferably, an independent 
journalist/activist who has achieved independence from the truth and mastered 
the art of fact-free propaganda. He will be able to fabricate whatever 
fictional narrative we need to publicize this profit-making capitalist 
enterprise, disguising it as an agrarian populist cause of liberation of the 
poor oppressed eastern minorities.




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