Are you aware F.N. what is the ground reality regarding bribery, 
What is asked by ministers to procure jobs for ordinary people 
in Goa.
I know of two cases whereby a handicapped youth who could 
only walk by using crutches, applied for a job as a lowly paid 
clerk in a government office was asked for a bribe of two lakhs
by a assissant of the strong man of Varca (or should I name him)
In the end he paid one lakh and got the job.
My other friend at he moment is applying for a job as a junior
tax collector he has been asked for a bribe of three lakhs 
he is willing to pay but he has only two lakhs he other lakh
he would borrow from his uncle.
F.N. I want to ask you has anyone so far been prosecuted 
by the Anti Corruptin Unit and brought to justice I don't
think so.
The common people are so used to these bribes being 
asked and offered that they don't think twice it's a
common occurance and they take it in their stride.
When you got something going i.e. to bring down
these corrupt ministers and councillors I will 
gladly join your campaign.
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