Could someone please explain what's happening in the photo below?

As far as I know, these aren't "squatters" but eco-friendly scrap
recyclers, who work at one corner of the Azad Maidan for a few hours
each evening, cleaning the packaging (paper and plastic) wastes left
behind and recycling a large part of it. I'm amazed to see how they
use their frugality to squeeze out a living of what others treat as
'wastes', while putting it to good use.

It's mostly paper and packaging waste generated by thousands of good
middle class Goenkars buying their newspapers and magazines in the
locality. Is it better if this "waste" is simply dumped in the
Mandovi, or some landfill in Curca?

I am also appalled by the targetting of tiny scrap-yards in parts of
Goa by some politicians and some parties, because they happen to be
largely of migrant origin and largely Muslim. I think they're infact
doing middle-class Goa a big favour by cleaning up its thrash ... and
often enough, recycling it! FN

2010/1/14 Rajan P. Parrikar <>:
> To Goanet -
> American citizen presses button and CCP moves to clear
> squatters at Azad Maidan in Panjim.  Picture taken yesterday -

Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

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