Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa



I belong to Marshall's community, not yours. Please note that Marshall has not 
stated that he belongs to your community. He has not expressed any problem with 
poodvem, saadi, lungi, rasam, bhaaji, snakes, cows, elephants, etc. Your case 
(no pun intended) is unique. My sense is that he would have a problem with you, 
and whatever community of people to which you belong. Please feel fortunate 
that you have the freedom to express yourself in a public forum. Do you know 
who has granted you that freedom?



--- On Wed, 4/7/10, Nascy Caldeira <nascy...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> So what is your problem, man? You cannot stand the fact
> that your commmunity persons are into all these atrocities?
> Go out on a pad yatra, into BJP ruled states first; take
> Barad and Bhandare with you for company, and turn those
> idiots around. But stop questioning Marshall and persons
> like him who are doing his community an yeoman service, by
> opening our eyes as to what is clandestinely going on in the
> country.
> Who has appointed you as an interpretor and investigator? U
> will find out on your own about the truth or otherwise shut
> up. U and your philosophy!
> Know the groung realities for once and be practical. Or do
> you think only Neuro Surgeons are shannah??
> Nascy Caldeira


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