We will get back to Konkani but lets take a little detour. Konkani
"vidhwans" contribute or hold your peace. You are all precious and we
need you. This post looks at Color cliches. First lets all get on
board. What is a cliche (cliché) cli·ché [klee-shey]? As a noun it has
the following and more meanings.

(from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cliche)
1. a trite, stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase, usually
expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost
originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse, assadder but
wiser, or strong as an ox.
2. (in art, literature, drama, etc.) a trite or hackneyed plot,
character development, use of color, musical expression, etc.
3. anything that has become trite or commonplace through overuse.

As an adjective it means trite; hackneyed; stereotyped; clichéd. Also,
cli·che. Origin: 1825–35; < F: stereotype plate, stencil, cliché, n.
use of ptp. ofclicher to make such a plate, said to be imit. of the
sound of the metal pressed against the matrix

—Synonyms 1. platitude, bromide, stereotype, commonplace.

The second definition, use of color refers to a commonplace, obvious,
mundane use of color, or its symbolism, a flippant color scheme; as
also other attributes of the same. Listed below are a few of the more
interesting cliches. Perhaps, we can wait a week to see if there is
any interest in via responses. After that period I will post the
roots, referenced from sources which will be mentioned. This is also
where people can contribute via translations. Practice, practice. If
you do not need the practice as I do -- thats cool.

Btw, these range from the word color itself to dawn and darkness, coal
and chalk, red, green, blue, a purple, gold and silver, a rose, etc.
Some may appear as though they do not belong, or are tangentially
related, but this is about making relationships and analogies.

Flying colors, with; House of a different color; Color of his money

Dawn, Dark, and Darkness
Come the Dawn; Dark Horse, Cast into Outer Darkness; Dawned on Me

Carry Coals to Newcastle; Rake over the Coals; Haul over the coals;
Heap Coals of Fire on his Head
By a long chalk

Precious stones
Diamond in the Rough; Cast Pearls before Swine
Kill the goose that lays the Golden Eggs; Golden Age, Golden Mean; Fools Gold
Silver-tongued Orator; Every cloud has a silver lining; Run with a Silver Spoon

Red Flag to a Bull, Like a; Red-Carpet Treatment; Red-Letter Day; See Red

Cream/ Pink/ Rose/ Purple/ Yellow (jaundice)/ Mustard/ Ivory/ Grey
Cream of the Crop; the Pink; Came up smelling like Roses; Born to the
Purple; Jaundiced Eye; Cut the Mustard; Ivory Tower; Grey Eminence

God's Green Earth; Green-Eyed Monster

Between the devil and the Deep Blue Sea; Blue Blood; Blue Funk; Bolt
from the Blue
Do it up Brown; How now, Brown Cow

So cudgel your brains (Yo). (Get) dyed in the wool. Labor of love?
(all cliches).

venantius j pinto

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