--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Jim Fernandes <amigo...@att.net> wrote:
> This is my last email to you on this thread - unless
> circumstances change that would warrant me to write back
> again.

Shri Fernandes,

Sorry to see you take your marbles and go home. It looks like you could not 
achieve what you boasted about on Goanet for so long. It must be really 
embarrassing for you. Even in your last post all you could manage was more 
empty threats, fake boasts and lame insults violating two important anti-abuse 
rules of Goanet.

Your circumstances have certainly changed on Goanet. It is hard for any 
sensible person to take you seriously from now on. So as I had predicted, all 
this ended in a shameful disappointment for you. Once again, I am sorry about 



P.S. BTW, two more things:

1. I had asked you to return the money that both the U.S. government and the 
Indian government has spent on your education. Please tell me where you were 
educated, so I can calculate how much it is. You also need to return the 
government contract money that your employer has received to pay your wages.

2. Since you know nothing about medical research, let alone my own, let me 
inform you that if you come to our hospital, I will tell you and show you 
exactly how my research will benefit you and the younger generations that will 
carry your genes.

--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Jim Fernandes <amigo...@att.net> wrote:
> This is my last email to you on this thread - unless
> circumstances change that would warrant me to write back
> again.
> I haven't yet exercized the full potential of my
> retaliation. I am definitely not going to reveal to you what
> I got in my arsenal. In military terms - its called 'element
> of surprise'. I reserve the right to retain all options on
> the table and I shall use my options at the time of my
> choosing. For now, I shall keep you guessing :)
> There is zero chance of any benefit senhor Helekar's
> research is going to benefit any humans. The only cure that
> could come from the non-sense that he is talking about, is
> either with the use of stem cells or by altering human DNA
> with the use of a virus that could be used to 'fix' the
> genetic damage to the concerned individual. So please go
> ahead and return my tax money back to the US federal
> agency.
> Because I requested him to return the 'dole' back to the US
> government, senhor Helekar wants me to return the tax payer
> money I might have gotten for my education in India. Does
> this punk have any idea, how much money I have paid to the
> Indian government in taxes? I have given much more to India
> than what I got.
> Just this year alone, I paid some close to Rs 1,000,000
> (some US $20,000) in customs duty for some stuff that I sent
> to Goa. I could have easily bribed some "Babu" - far less
> money - at the Indian customs and sneaked my stuff in. But I
> paid the money to the Indian government via actual bank
> transfers. India should be proud of an OCI like me. Don't
> you agree :) .
> Finally, this punk admits that the US is the number one
> country in the world for technological advancement. He also
> admits (though half heartedly) that India is no match for
> the US. 
> How cool is that for this hypocrite?
> Jim F
> New York


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Price (in Goa only) Rs 295. Ask a friend to pick up a copy.
Details of the book http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

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