From: "U. G. Barad" <>
<<Fr. Ivo wide Message: 7, dated: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 writes:" Dear
Dr.U.G.Barad, There is no need to be so pessimistic. Scandals have always
been in the world. Jesus says: "Woe to the world because of its stumbling
blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!" (NARB, Mt 18:7). The Church is not
going to fall because of those scandals. Christianity cannot be judged by
those scandals. We live in a time in which media can give us a distorted
image of the real reality. Also money is involved in this issue. Where there
is money, there is devil's workshop.
.....Why should India not shine if there are "gay scandals" in America?
India has its problems, some of them are rooted in the culture, others in
the religion itself. All of us need a constant renewal..."

My response: Fr. Ivo, your concluding lines are more striking than any of
your previous submissions. This line clearly implies that "gal scandals" of
American clergy in no way affects churches and christianity in India. Why?
...from your above line, one can easily arrive at conclusion that
"gay scandals" of clergy in other parts of India also do not affect
churches and christianity in Goa. And the very same logic if extended little further goes to imply that "gay scandals" of clergy in any part of Goa will
not affect churches and christianity in Margao. Well said, Fr. Ivo .. Keep
your logic flying that at least Margao will fly high . if not
***Dear Dr.U.G.Barad,
If you do not understand my logic, neither do I understand yours. Scandals can be everywhere, it is part and parcel of our fallen human nature. Does it mean that the Church is not marching or the society is not in progress? If a husband-father is a drunkard, does it mean that the family cannot prosper, that the children cannot be sober and be even more cautious so as to avoid donwfall of the whole family? Is it the end of the world, the end of Christianity? All of us are disturbed by what is happening in India and in Goa, does it mean that we have no hope? What should all of us do? Harp on what is crooked and forget to go straight and progress? If there are scams and scandals among the leaders of the society, are we stagnant? What can we do in this situation? This should be our question today and always. Even if there are scandals and crimes in Margao, does it mean that our life will stagnate? What should we do to renew the sickly society? That is up for you and for me to answer instead of dividing ourselves in terms of religion or any other divisive force, when it is misundersttod. Let us foster what unites us, shun what divides us...

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, "It appears that the Goanese (sic) 
are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for well-paid 
employment"? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find your answers 
in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.

* * *

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