Five observations regarding Gilbert's latest material are:

1. He failed to keep his promise not to write again in this thread.

2. He continues to engage in personal attacks against me violating Goanet 
rules, while boorishly claiming that I did so.

3. He has some silly problems with the definition of cure provided by the U. S. 
National Cancer Institute, and blames me for them. Perhaps, he also believes 
that all the cancer experts of the world are not as smart and knowledgeable as 

4. He believes haughtily and foolishly that Goanetters love what he writes, 
that he speaks on behalf of all Goanetters, and that his garbled writings on 
Goanet on the inquisition, Tipu Sultan, etc. are all his original discoveries.

5. As I had predicted, he was unable to add anything substantive, or perhaps, 
even understand, the quantitative definition of cancer cure that I had provided 
through a link to an earlier post of mine. Here is that definition again:

From the scientific standpoint, a complete cure is deemed to have occurred if a 
cancer patient has:

a) Survived after treatment without cancer recurrence for a period that exceeds 
the plateau phase (the point at which the falling survival curve becomes 
parallel to the x axis) of his/her cancer’s survival curve, and

b) Has achieved a normal life free of cancer, wherein the probabilities of 
dying from it, as well as of attaining the average life expectancy, are the 
same as that of any normal person who has never had cancer. 
......Santosh Helekar

Please see:



--- On Sun, 8/1/10, Gilbert Lawrence <> wrote:

> Responding to my last post on Goanet,
> the following was spammed to me and few 
> Goans and some Goan websites. Likely a Goanet
> violation. Obviously some 'do not 
> get it' about NOT spamming. Despite my earlier statement
> about ending this 
> thread, it is important to spare Goans on Goanet and
> elsewhere the 
> mis-information thrust on them about cancer.  So
> moderators and goanetters, 
> please excuse me for tapping into your patience.
> After recognizing his mistake about the 'definition of
> cancer cure', Santosh did 
> what he does best. Back to web-surfing and the usual "cut
> and paste" with the 
> web-link. I do not know what he would do without the web.
> Yet, he has FAILED AGAIN to "read, understand and digest"
> the topic being 
> discussed and what he reads.
> Based on definition he provides below (with QUOTES and
> web-link reference);  if 
> a person with cancer is treated and three months later has
> "restore health" (far 
> from scientific term) and is back to work, that means
> he/she is cured of their 
> cancer. And the therapy for "treatment to restore health"
> three months later is 
> considered curative therapy. 
> This definition DOES NOT even INCLUDE: "no sign of cancer"
> after testing etc. 
> BTW, even with 'no sign of cancer', it does not mean the
> patient is cured. It 
> may be called 'remission'.
> Santosh in his reply below is showing the shortcomings of
> references without 
> understanding the material he reads.  Thanks Santosh for
> the "show and tell". 
> Venantius and others please note how people hide behind a
> reference, while 
> sounding intellectual. Further, after another chance,
> what we see is ignorance 
> (of medical knowledge) and foolishness.  If I showed his
> following "definition 
> of cure" of cancer to anyone, they would question
> Santosh's medical knowledge 
> (training) and analytic ability (as a research scientist).
> Now I can understand why Santosh does not write anything
> original on Goanet. 
> And confines himself to web-surfing, and demonizing others
> both in what they 
> write and personally; while presenting himself as
> intellectual.  That is of 
> course a poor strategy. Insulting others is an
> appalling substitute for 
> knowledge for a researcher and a pathetic display of lack
> of decency and class. 
> I am given to understand that all this is saved in the
> archives of President 
> Pandurang library - a great resource for future generations
> of Goans.
> My sincere advice to Santosh: "Quit while you
> are ahead". Goanetters have had 
> enough 'pirachit' for the weekend.  I am embarrassed to
> analyze your writings. 
> And surely many others, with whom you have crossed swords,
> feel the same.  How 
> can we save you from yourself?  Most goanetters (me
> inlcuded) avoid dialog with 
> you; despite you thrusting yourself on us via Goanet or
> spam mail. 
> Regards, GL

* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great melee that was this 
metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding on to 
their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin thread 
of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in *Into 
the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph 
+91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.

* * *

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