This outburst from Gilbert is understandable considering the obvious fact that 
what he had written had nothing to do with the issue at hand, as referred to by 
Bosco and Venantius. Please note the following response by Bosco, for instance, 
to the irrelevant post by Gilbert in this thread:

Quite predictably, Gilbert is now misinforming you that I don't know anything 
about cancer, and that I haven't read or don't understand what I read on this 
topic on the internet and elsewhere. Nobody should be fooled by this, and by 
his inappropriate use of the word "abuse" to describe those who diligently 
provide weblinks and references for the information they provide, especially if 
it is a verbatim quote from someone else. 

It should also be clear to most sensible people that because of my formal 
medical education I should know more about cancer than Gilbert does about Goan 
history, history of the inquisition, history of Tipu Sultan, and world 
economics, all topics on which he has pontificated on Goanet without having any 
formal background in these fields, and without providing any sources for his 
baseless speculations, even when repeatedly asked to do so.

BTW, I apologize for inadvertently leaving out the definition of cure, as 
provided by the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI), from my earlier attempt 
to clarify the confusion injected by Gilbert about cancer. Here it is now at 
the same NCI website I had provided in my earlier post:

To heal or restore health; a treatment to restore health.

I had also provided earlier on Goanet a more quantitative definition of cancer 
cure based on my critical reading, understanding and study of the latest 
original papers on cancer epidemiology by international experts such as Herman 
Brenner. Please see the following link for that earlier post of mine:

>From past experience I know that it is unlikely that Gilbert would be able to 
>add anything substantive to this discussion.



--- On Sun, 8/1/10, Gilbert Lawrence <> wrote:
> At first I thought Santosh was trying to misrepresent and
> or high-jack the 
> subject, which he and few others often do.  Now it is
> confirmed, what I and 
> likely many suspected. It is clear to all that he does not
> understand the topic 
> being discussed.  This is not the first time this has been
> pointed out. And 
> Santosh is not the exception to this malady.
> That is what happens with web-surfing and abuse of merely
> providing web-links.  
> A great example of "jack of all trades" masquerading as a
> "master." In Konkani 
> it is called "petoita murre." 
> This is my last post on this thread.
> Regards, GL

* * *   

In every way, the Goans of Bombay were part of the great melee that was this 
metropolis, distinct perhaps in the way communities often are, holding on to 
their own traditions but merging slowly nonetheless and forming the thin thread 
of nationhood that would eventually become India. -- Selma Carvalho, in *Into 
the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph 
+91-9822488564]   Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.

* * *

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