Hi Gilbert,

I am indeed an expert on plagiarism because as a scientific laborer I have a 
professional need to know and teach students, fellows and researchers who work 
with me what is it that constitutes plagiarism. This is because they and I have 
to write full length peer-reviewed original research articles and grants, as 
well as review the ones written by others. 

But as a health care laborer you do not have a professional need to know about 
inquisition, the history of Goan temples, the exploits of Tipu Sultan, world 
economics, and financial management during a recession. So how come you 
consider yourself an expert in all of these fields? 

You are also misleading Goanetters about the following things, which will not 
please the moderators and the authorities who are concerned about accuracy and 
integrity in public cyberforums:

1. You are telling Goanetters that those who place quoted material within 
quotes and provide proper attribution and links for them, are the ones who are 
plagiarizing, not the other way round.

2. You are telling Goanetters that the provision of proper original quotes and 
links from the internet and elsewhere, as well as proper attribution indicates 
that those of us who do that, do not know anything about the subject in 
question, and our knowledge is limited to the quotes we provide.

3. You are telling Goanetters that provision of quotes, links and attributions 
means that we have not understood what is written in these quotes.

4. You are implying on Goanet that because you copy and paste without using 
quotation marks and links, or you paraphrase someone else's writings without 
mentioning the sources and giving them proper credit, your writings have to be 
regarded as original, and you are not trying to make yourself famous by using 
other people's work as your own.

5. You are telling Goanetters that any response to your posts on Goanet 
constitutes spam.



--- On Sat, 8/7/10, Gilbert Lawrence <gilbert2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Santosh,
> In one week, you are an expert on another subject. In your
> spam mail on this 
> topic, you plagiarized the article about plagiarism as well
> as violated its 
> copyright protection.  For the former you should be
> ashamed. For the latter you 
> could get financial penalties.  But I digress, as
> previously stated, I am not an 
> expert on this topic.
> They tell me that I am good.  But even I know, this
> supurlo goenkar is not that 
> good.  I can only do one DRE (digital rectal exam) at a
> time.  Right now I am 
> dealing with your "you-know-what." Perhaps like a good
> friend (providing 
> protection when things get hard), you are doing him a 'por
> favor'.
> So once he convinces us that his writings do not fall into
> category of 
> plagiarism, I will address your 'sodachem' bogus concerns
> and claims. Please do 
> not tell me that his TGF (This Goan Forum) website passed
> through the 
> anti-plagiarism software program.  I hope our friendly
> expert does not go silent 
> on us, when it comes to applying his plagiarism theories
> to his own practice.
> Till we accomplish the above, please sit on your hands and
> keep your fingers 
> busy; instead of working your keyboard.  Let us hope we
> can do the above before 
> the weekend ends.  I thought you were tired of me
> analyzing your writings. I 
> certainly am. That should be a relief for you for now ....
> for another two 
> weeks.
> Right now, do not come close to us. I do not know what JC
> will do during 
> the DRE.  And some of his could splash on you. I may
> have to do a two-finger DRE 
> ...  just to get a 'second opinion'.:=))  This is a
> likely possibility, 
> especially if he weasels.  Over the few years, he has
> been weaseling a lot on 
> this topic, both on-and-off goanet.  
> Some goanetters are likely having their weekend laughs. 
> Please do not do it too 
> loudly. You may wake the chickens and neighbors.
> Regards, GL

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