Gilbert Lawrence <> wrote on August 8, 2010: '
>From now on, you will get as good as or even worse than what you give.
 Please share this useful information with your family.... in advance.
We do not want a repeat of the "Toronto saga".'



Just saw this. I normally ignore Gilbert's postings - for the obvious
reason that he is just too smart for a 'supurlo" like me (the word
'supurlo' is plagiarised).

Be advised that from now on ..... I absolutely commit to supporting
Plagiarism by Goan 'authors'...even if nobody advises me/us of what is
meant by the term the 'Toronto saga'.

As it is, I know only just a bit about Toronto or the Toronto Goans. I
know as much of the so called Toronto saga as I know about Lady Gaga.
I do not know if anyone else has any Toronto connections or if any one
really wants me to  speak in public about the them. But then, I would
be (as usual) talking about stuff I know nothing about. Finance(funds)
is one topic I know nothing about. Besides, I do not deal in

For the purposes of full disclosure: I (hopefully) come from a really
really very very low-class family from within the Kunbi-Gavdi-Harijan
background. When I was born, I did not have any clothes or money, did
not know how to drive a car nor a bicycle, write a full sentence or
even be able to copy, paste and not give credit to the original
authors. I hear I was 'talking' gibberish.....and that has not
changed. Yep treatment sought nor available for that..

For the record, I am told that I cried soon after birth and was quite
a handful. Some find me a handful (hopefully, a polite one, in person)
even to this day. It does trouble me that I am a pain to those who
wish to practise their fundamental right to publish and charge for a
book that has been plagiarised. The Library of Congress or BJP having
been noted.

I do apologise.

For future reference, please be advised that I will NOT raise any
further objection (or even a pipsqueak) to anyone's attempt to blatant
or non-blatant plagiarism.

>From today, I will believe that those who revel in plagiarism, have
the Human Right (or Left)  to do so......and I have absolutely no
business raising cane or Abel about it.

I will also make it my business to accept (without question) the
printed word that Goa is at an higher altitude than Mount Everest and
that the Inquisition in Goa never happened.

Good morning and have a good day and week ahead.


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