---------- Santosh wrote:

I don't understand either the logic or the factual basis on which Gilbert is 
making some really outrageous allegations against me in the post appended 
.... Please have the courtesy and intellectual honesty to kindly answer these 
questions of mine, and defend your wild slanderous accusations against me. 


------------ GL responds:

Santosh, thanks for asking me the questions. And then answering them for me 

To quote YOU! Here is what YOU recently wrote to another Goan:  "Of course, as 
you know I treat Goanet as a three ring circus anyway. More crackpot posts on 
the merrier."

So, you concede that your posts are crackpot.  With the above 
comment, you answer many of questions you put to me.  This, after telling us 
learned you are and how highly skilled your writings.  

Santosh, thanks for the honesty about yourself and your posts. If you think 
goanet is a three-ring circus, do you consider yourself an animal-trainer or a 
clown?  You are certainly not a passive observer watching from the stands.  

Very nice way for a very intelligent guy to spend in a three ring circus, 
up-teen hours a week, week-after-week over the last several decades. Goa's 
scientist is  slandering himself ... and the rest of us.

Now before you get bent our of shape. Yes I intially used the phrase "crackpot 
post". Based on past performance, your friend (provides protection when things 
get hard) may even accuse you of plagiarism (for re-using my word). Yes I know 
that is daft; but that is his logic. That is why I directed that term of 
"crackpot post" specifically to him - your friend (provides protection when 
things get hard).

Regards, GL

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