Dear Carmen,

Greetings from Melbourne Carmen bhai!

Although you have addressed the e-mail to Tony Luis (and it is his prerogative to reply), I take ownership of initiating the first e-mail with the caption.

The purpose of the e-mail was for multifarious reasons; however the main ones were to see:

The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goa since 19 December 1961 – those living and working in Goa. The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goa since 19 December 1961 - those living in Middle East and contributing heaps of deposits in banks operating in Goa. The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goa since 19 December 1961 - those that live overseas (other than Middle East) and are foreign passport holders and/or OCI & PIO. The opinions of our well read Goans and their experiences in Goan before 19 December 1961 covering the above three categories. Both the Goans living in Middle East and other overseas countries that have wealth of experience in their respective countries and what they bring to Goa.

How best we could get the results we want in the next election which may be too late unless we get a new party or the suggestions put by our Bernado Colaco which is worth considering. To see the leadership capability amongst us and what goes with it in terms of professionalism. Everyone wants something; but what is good for Goa and future generation is something we need to seriously think. The present state of Goa and Goan minds – Where we are and Where we want to be. The need to have ownership of what we do.
The gap of understanding and how to augment the gap.
Love for one another as Goan; something I am still unable to understand why this is lacking (Tall poppy syndrome and knee jerk reaction)

These are the main ones and we could add to the list towards a strategy.

Once a Keralite said to me when I was in the Middle East: Sir, if your mother does not look after you, will somebody’s mother look after you! – Looking back this statement may not be 100% true.

Today, we were posed a good question by our advocate Francisco Branganza (who happens to be from my village and we attended the same school in Mapusa); while the question has all its merits and shortcomings as anything in life (Life depends on the Liver) Goa also needs to ensure that the exodus of highly educated people do not migrate overseas to fill our places this would result getting back to where we were. We still need to think about this although some of us are willing to take the plunge.

Breaking away from personal habits (created since years) takes a long time and do we Goans have the time? .

Hopefully, by the end of the spate of e-mails that have been dropping in our Inbox like a dealing room activities we will learn more about ourselves, others and what is really good for Goa.

Most impressive were those Goans who considered their duty to put their thoughts and hopefully those that are sitting on ice may find a burner to melt the ice down.

Carmen, I hope this answers some of your concerns and of course Tony Luis and other friends that have taken part in this debate which is still alive. We all agree that we need to join force to save what is left of Goa. Since you have the recent experience of running with a project, could you please help us form a petition that may be acceptable to all those that took part in the debate particularly those that have expressed positively with wealth of experience. We will need to create a terms of reference for this project to maintain the focus.


Oscar C. Lobo.

From: Carmen Miranda

Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.

Dear All

While what has been discussed here is all very interesting but not new and some of the ideas to solve this chronic problem of Goa's decay are just pie in the sky, unrealistic and pointless, I am not clear as to what is the point of this discussion group and how some of the postings suddenly appear in goanet out of context?

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