How can one expect Goa to be ruled by Goans? Goans cannot fulfill their basic civic responsibilities. Pavements are not provided they walk on the roads. Pedestrian crossings are not provided they run across and often get hit by speeding vehicles. Mourn and wail a little and are back to their routine. They ride 2-wheelers but do not take the responsibility of wearing helmets. They behave well only if a police is sited around. No water supply in their pipelines, they grumble but are happy with tanker supply. If in one lane there is a traffic block they just switch on to the next irrespective of whose way they obstruct. The four wheelers will block the two wheelers from proceeding. They will pay the bribe first and scream later. They will complain that politicians are chors but will be the first to stand in line to collect free coconut saplings and free fertilizer from the politician. They will curse the miners and builders but have no shame to prostrate before them for sponsorship. They will howl about environment destruction but have no reservations in receiving awards from unscrupulous real estate firms. They will protest against development on hill slopes, but their projects will be designed and built on hill slopes.They will curse the migrants but have no problem going repeatedly before a Chief Town Planner from U.P. pleading for relief. They blame migrant labour for malaria and chikunguniya but will hire them to work in their houses. They will purchase expensive mosquito repellents but will do nothing to eradicate breeding sites of mosquitos. They claim to be learned but read migrant gossip columns to up date their knowledge. When we cannot govern ourselves into performing our daily responsibilities as citizens, how are we going to choose our leaders to govern the State? When we are dependent on migrants to do our every work, how can we be expected to rule Goa? Dream big but start small.
Good luck!


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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

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