I have just returned from another trip to Sikkim. Sikkim and Goa share many
things in common. Both joined the Indian Union under unusual circumstances.
Both have low population, great scenic beauty, high levels of literacy, and
gentle law abiding people. Where Sikkim scores over Goa is that the
Sikkimese have taken control over their destiny. Education if free for all
Sikkimese upto high school. There are no slums seen anywhere. Employment
levels are high - mostly in government service as there is very little
private sector employment. Sikkim like Goa earns a lot from tourism.

Land cannot be sold to non-Sikkimese. They can only be taken on lease.Even
Marwaris who have settled down here for generations are denied this
right.Every Company setting up operations here has to mandatorily employ 80%
locals especially in unskilled jobs and give an undertaking that they will
train and employ locals for skilled jobs over a period of time. Sikkim has
the highest density of cars per population in India. Crime is low or
non-existent. Corruption is rare or absent at lower levels but does exist at
higher levels.

Sikkim has voted an IIT-IIM Member of Parliament. It was illuminating
discussing with the gentleman his plans for the youth of Sikkim. He plans to
make Sikkim an IT and education hub. Manipal University has already set up

Isn't is worth introspecting what has stopped or prevented goans from
becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present dismal state of
affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?



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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264

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