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Goanet mourns the passing of Cornel da Costa in London, England - Sep 10/10

Dear Inacio,

I for one would certainly support appreciation for excellence awards to 
deserving Goans but will this change the status quo in the political  arena? 
After all, the people have to receive services for which they pay taxes, this 
is the reason they elected people who they consider would administer the 
revenues fairly and honestly and also be participants in sharing the common 
wealth meaning the fruits of the land be it mineral or other that belongs to 
all Goans and should be administered in a way which benefits every citizen of 
Goa and not only the few who are plundering it for their own enrichment. 

I also know that it will take time to change the corrupt culture that is 
inherent in our current politicians , but, we have to start somewhere and we 
have to start soon before all the goodies are stolen from us by these corrupt 
elements. To achieve this, we have to start with the politicians we elect to 
represent us in the assembly. Prior to elections, we have to scrutinize the 
manifestos of the parties and the characters of the candidates in order to 
ensure that those who we elect stick to the promises they made in their 
manifestos, taking them to court if necessary so as to make them comply with 
the promises they made in their manifestos upon which they were elected. We 
have to wherever possible enact changes to the manifestos so as to incorporate 
clauses which hold those people who are elected accountable for their actions 
and ensure compliance. 

Governance and punitive measures for non compliance is a must from the outset. 
Any person who is found flouting the law or enriching himself illegally at the 
states expense must face the consequences and be made accountable from the C.M. 
down. The Police force and the Judiciary must be independent of the politicians 
in order that no undue influence can be exerted on them in the legal 
performance of their duties. These measures if implemented will bring in 
accountability . We have to start at the top for the results to trickle 

We have to ensure that those elected are fully aware that they are elected to 
serve the people and are not the masters of the people. The public must hold 
those elected accountable. They must insist that whosoever is elected, declare 
and substantiate his assets and liabilities  and those of his immediate 
relatives on entering office, and on leaving office, just like in the U.S.A. If 
there is on provision in the current laws for this, then the first order of 
business of the new assembly should be to enact such a law  we must ensure that 
this is in every party's manifestos which will ensure accountability and 
honesty. If they do not do this, then we can be assured that they will be as 
corrupt as the incumbents and every measure must then be taken to either 
prosecute them or eject them from office.

Another thing, that comes to mind is Good old Feni. I do not say not to drink 
this intoxicating nectar, but let it not cloud our judgment when we vote. Let 
it not be said that we voted for so and so because he threw a party and had 
Feni flowing liberally and that is why we elected him/her. That feni and food 
are just for the day while those we elect will remain in power for five years. 
We therefore have to vote wisely. Drink the Feni and eat the sorpotel and pilau 
by all means, this is for your stomach for the day, but vote with your heart 
and mind that is for your future.

Here is something fresh for you to ponder.

Regards and best wishes.
Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

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