Dear All,

The discussion on this topic has been nice to read. However, we all seem to be 
focused on solving the problem through elections only. Our democracy is anyways 
flawed, candidates will promise the moon before elections & then not deliver, 
with no repercussions (worst that can happen is they will not get elected 
again, that too for the next election after 5 years). I remember how successive 
Calangute MLAs promised to remove the "River Princess" & she's still there.

Without regulatory bodies or media to expose malpractices, the corrupt have no 

What about focusing on our people? The common Goan, the problems that they 
face, the youth who will be voters tomorrow. Why does the common man feel so 
helpless that he feels the need to take favors from politicians to get his work 
done? Why cannot one have pride in standing on one's own feet without taking 
any favors? I was in conversation some time back with a friend & he was telling 
me about a neighbor of his (holding a MBA degree), who wanted someone's 
influence to get job! Why is it that our people feel so helpless that they 
believe, that only through influence things can get done? Is it that we want 
results quick without effort? Or does the common Goan believe that it's the 
only way things work.

Will bringing change in perceptions in our society contribute to better leaders 
& ultimately governance? I agree, such a change will definitely not come 

Recently, we had the "World Goa Day" celebrations, which I too feel is a good 
concept. But why don't we also have events such as "Promising Goan Leaders", 
"Best Goan Inventor", "Cleanest Goan Village", "Social Activist Awards" etc. 
Maybe, rewarding hard work, excellence & honesty could be a strong influence 
for others too. It would also encourage others. Maybe sponsor Goans with 
potential in sports / studies, sponsor research studies (environment, 
economics, technology etc) in our Universities. Our next leaders may come from 
these young people.

I don't agree with comments about "CRAB" mentality & the like. I do not think 
European / American society was perfect in their beginnings. Cribbing about 
past & not providing solutions is a waste of time. Society can change if we 
bring about the change. Providing solutions for a better future is what matters.

Best Regards,

> Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 11:12:56 +0400
> From: "Anthony C. L. Fernandes" <>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>     <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans
> Message-ID:
>     <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Dear Marshall,
> Ref your question "Isn't is worth introspecting what has
> stopped or
> prevented goans from
> becoming masters of their own destiny? Or is the present
> dismal state of
> affairs the destiny that the goans have voted for?"
> In my view is simply "CRAB MENTALITY OF GOANS" and let
> others take advantage
> of Goans are least bothered about.
> Regards
> Anthony

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