Bosco D. wrote :
<<<Are the above weblinks mainstream news or medical websites?? I doubt. 


[1] themselves admit to using aspartame [2]. Does Coca-cola intentionally and
knowingly include known carcinogens in their products?? And the FDA is not
stepping in?? 


sometime in the future, the relationship between aspartame and cancer may be
established just like bisphenol A [3]. But not yet. 

 I would caution against distributing
such unfounded information to anybody.>>> 


RESPONSE: I would suggest Bosco go to
‘advanced Google’, and insert : ‘Aspartame genetically modified”. You will get
a million sites and many medical websites giving you some insight on this

I have precisely titled the subject as
‘Science of manipulations’ because it was approved by using political muscle
power. And when it is approved, where does your FDA have teeth? 

Coca-cola is a consumer product, so are all
others using Aspartame, and will definitely derive maximum benefit in their
sales when they can market it as ‘low calorie’ or ‘diet’. Products are marketed
by taking advantage of human susceptibility; overweight people want to reduce
with the least of effort. See how ‘low calorie’ or ‘sugar free’ products are
market on all media.                                    

Bosco is right and cautious in saying “sometime in the future, the
relationship between aspartame and cancer may be established”; but does it mean
until then people can go on consuming at the detriment to their health? It is
not unfound information as he cites. No research has categorically stated that
it does not cause cancer, and anything Genetically Modified has its 
with your genes. It is for Goans to be cautious and aware, and be prudent that
this product is not totally safe. 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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