Santosh Helekar said :<<<< Aspartame is made from two naturally occurring amino 
acids. One of the natural  amino acids used,
 namely phenylalanine is sometimes obtained in pure form in  some parts of the 
world from a strain of harmless bacteria (E. coli) 
that live  in our gut under normal conditons, but there is absolutely no 
chemical  difference between this phenylalanine 
and the one that is present in our body.   Genetic modification has nothing to 
do with repercussions with our genes. 
In  obtaining useful and life saving medicines this modification is done in the 
 genes of harmless bacteria to express
 human polypeptides and proteins in high  concentrations. Medicines that are 
produced in this manner include insulin,  
growth hormone, factors that are missing in blood clotting disorders called  
hemophilia, etc. If you want to know details 
about genetic engineering, and why  it is not what is claimed to be in the post 
appended below, please let me know.  
I would be happy to provide more information because of my past hands-on  
experience with that technology.>>>>                   RESPONSE:            1-  
 By now, Goanetters know that aspartame is derived from Genetically Modified 
E-coli and that it is composed 
of THREE and not two chemicals.2-   Aspartame is NOT an useful or LIFE saving 
medicine. It is not at all a medicine. 
It is just a commercial substitute for sugar. If it was life saving drugs, then 
we medical doctors by vocation would advise patients into choosing between the 
frying pan and the fire.3-   That Research at Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology have proved it to be harmful and carcinogenic; 
and that ‘SEARL’ Pharmaceutical Company deleted these findings when they 
submitted this study to the F & DA! 
One of the sites is below:


If more sites need to be referred, just
google “MIT & Aspartame”                                    


Maybe we have better Institutes in Goa than
MIT; naturally! 
As the saying goes: “Like father, like son”                                     

So also : “Like Education Minister, like
products of the education!”


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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