This is my consolidated refutation of the factually erroneous statements made 
in the two posts appended below.

The claim that just because one obtains more than 60,000 hits on Google by 
searching for the phrase "aspartame, genetically modified", it must be true, is 
naive and demonstrably false. The phrase "UFO are real" gets nearly 2 million 
hits on Google. The phrases "ghosts are real" and "Santa Claus is real" get 
more than 9 million and 14 million hits, respectively. How many Goanetters want 
to believe these claims?

It is well known that there are more fake, untrustworthy, irresponsible, 
conspiratorial and crackpot websites on the internet than genuine ones. This is 
also true with all the books that are published. So on health, medical and 
scientific matters, it is important to trust information that is only provided 
by internationally recognized organizations in these fields. For example, the 
following information provided by the U.S. National Cancer Institute refutes 
the bogus claim made in one of the posts appended below regarding cancer and 
aspartame, namely the claim that no study has established that aspartame does 
not cause cancer:

The following claims are also utterly false:

1. That aspartame is made by genetic modification.

2. That "anything Genetically Modified has its repercussions with your genes."

Aspartame is made from two naturally occurring amino acids. One of the natural 
amino acids used, namely phenylalanine is sometimes obtained in pure form in 
some parts of the world from a strain of harmless bacteria (E. coli) that live 
in our gut under normal conditons, but there is absolutely no chemical 
difference between this phenylalanine and the one that is present in our body. 

Genetic modification has nothing to do with repercussions with our genes. In 
obtaining useful and life saving medicines this modification is done in the 
genes of harmless bacteria to express human polypeptides and proteins in high 
concentrations. Medicines that are produced in this manner include insulin, 
growth hormone, factors that are missing in blood clotting disorders called 
hemophilia, etc. If you want to know details about genetic engineering, and why 
it is not what is claimed to be in the post appended below, please let me know. 
I would be happy to provide more information because of my past hands-on 
experience with that technology.



--- On Fri, 10/15/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão <> 
> Goanetters are not an illiterate lot to be
> fooled by false and inaccurate information obtained by 'cut
> and paste' method.           
> They have google with them, and if they just
> google “Aspartame, genetically engineered” they will
> get 60 thousand and more
> sites to confirm from.         
> That will also confirm some of the netters whom
> not to believe.           
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

--- On Sat, 10/16/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão <> 
> RESPONSE: I would suggest Bosco go to
> ‘advanced Google’, and insert : ‘Aspartame
> genetically modified”. You will get
> a million sites and many medical websites giving you some
> insight on this
> topic.             
> I have precisely titled the subject as
> ‘Science of manipulations’ because it was approved by
> using political muscle
> power. And when it is approved, where does your FDA have
> teeth? 
> Coca-cola is a consumer product, so are all
> others using Aspartame, and will definitely derive maximum
> benefit in their
> sales when they can market it as ‘low calorie’ or
> ‘diet’. Products are marketed
> by taking advantage of human susceptibility; overweight
> people want to reduce
> with the least of effort. See how ‘low calorie’ or
> ‘sugar free’ products are
> market on all media.         
> Bosco is right and cautious in saying “sometime in the
> future, the
> relationship between aspartame and cancer may be
> established”; but does it mean
> until then people can go on consuming at the detriment to
> their health? It is
> not unfound information as he cites. No research has
> categorically stated that
> it does not cause cancer, and anything Genetically Modified
> has its repercussions
> with your genes. It is for Goans to be cautious and aware,
> and be prudent that
> this product is not totally safe. 
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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