Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote: Why dig out only the Portuguese? Perhaps
comparative history would be better .....

jc's comment:

My dear Gabriel,

>From my reading, Gilbert is making two two points:

a: Enough of speculation and revisionism. Produce the data. This is a
valid point.

b: If Richard Zimler does not produce 'references' in his NOVEL, why
should anyone else who writes a book? This is not a valid point.

BTW: Even if one life was lost by way of the Inquisition, it is one
too many. In my own mind, the benefit which the Portuguese had
produced by way of the abolition of Sati, was lost by their masterly
inactivity in relation to the Inquisition.

There is no point is arguing that the Inquisition in Goa cost only 215
lives while God alone knows how many hundreds of thousands of
widows/mothers.sisters/daughters were put to death by way of Sati.

BTW: There are many among us who wonder why I keep harping on Sati.
Well, when I see the reported incidence of female infanticide in
India, I wonder if it is not Sati-redux....only, in advance.


 ----- Original Message ----
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>

Eddie, if / when Richard Zimler (author of the Goa-based mystery
novel) comes to any Goan function in London, can you ask him if he has
any references for data  (age, sex, occupations, ethnicity, religion,
nationalities, etc and crimes accused), on the 57 individuals
condemned to capital punishment over the 213
years of the Inquisition in Goa?

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