In a long-winded, Ringa Ringa Roses post Gilbert Lawrence
<> included the following:

" In the 16th / 17th century, vaidyas and hakims were the native
doctors, and ipso facto, at best they were homeopaths and aurveydics"


a: After reading yet another convoluted attempt at revisionism wrt
that ghastly Inquisition, I am going to have a nice cup of chai.

b: I have previously noted, in Gilbert's scrap-book aka Amchi Khobor,
that Goa is at an altitude higher then Mt Everest.

c: I am now amazed that Homeopathy may have been practised in Goa in
the 16th / 17th century.

d: I wonder why all and sundry give credit for the development of
Homeopathy to a German chap at the end of the 18th century.



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