JC has done a gotcha on Gilbert, as is his style when he disagrees
with someone's point of view.

But is Gilbert implying that JC and his ike might be the Grand
Inquisitors of the 21st century, when they go out of their way to come
down heavy on pillory those whom they don't agree with . Specially if
they advocate an alternate system of medicine other than "allopathy"?

If that is the case, and if (too many if's here!) I'm not reading too
much into this, then maybe we could even call for applicants to fill
the post of an AK Priolkar equivalent! Patrice (Even Though His French
Genes are Suspect) Riemens could help in building a new Dutch Black
Legend too when he takes a break from his Turkish tea :-) FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 27 October 2010 17:39, J. Colaco  < jc> <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In a long-winded, Ringa Ringa Roses post Gilbert Lawrence
> <gilbert2...@yahoo.com> included the following:
> " In the 16th / 17th century, vaidyas and hakims were the native
> doctors, and ipso facto, at best they were homeopaths and aurveydics"
> a: After reading yet another convoluted attempt at revisionism wrt
> that ghastly Inquisition, I am going to have a nice cup of chai.
> b: I have previously noted, in Gilbert's scrap-book aka Amchi Khobor,
> that Goa is at an altitude higher then Mt Everest.
> c: I am now amazed that Homeopathy may have been practised in Goa in
> the 16th / 17th century.
> d: I wonder why all and sundry give credit for the development of
> Homeopathy to a German chap at the end of the 18th century.

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