-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Sat Feb 26 09:39:50 PST 2011, Bosco D bospam at
canada.com Wrote: <<< Fair use does not state one is free to upload
copyrighted material to the internet. Period. Having a soft-copy
(read electronic) is a more serious violation than having a hard-copy of
a publication (paper, book, music, movie, etc). With the latter you
might get away with the Fair Use clause..….>>>

> RESPONSE : My dear Bosco, why do you want to advertise your
> mediocrity on Goanet? We are on topic of Science and research which
> is a subject of education and teaching. The word “research” clearly
> is stated in the ‘Fair use Law’  and not your sports or music! <[:-))

RESPONSE: Surely you jest if you believe even for a second that Santosh and you are conducting research on Goanet.

Perhaps you have encountered the term "the law is blind" albeit you appear to be blind to the law.

Relax maaan, nobody is taking you or me seriously.

- B
Enjoying my Sunday afternoon sipping some aspartame-laced fizzy liquids

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